Trip to Battersea Dogs Home - June 26th 2010
June 26th, 2010
I enjoyed going to the dogs home but i felt sorry for the dog that were kept in cages.And some were really skinny.There were litle cats kept in small cages as well and they had nothing to play with.I was the one that came up with the idea because i wanted a dog. And a nother thing i didn’t like it was the smell all over the buillding.but over all it was good and there were some goood dogs there and some big ones as well.
By: Jose Santos
dogs trips - building but over all it was good and there were some goood dogs there and some big ones as well . - Ben Desa
Ther poor dogs, they are so nice and I felt very sad and upset because the dogs didnt have anyone to look after them. - Dyeana.
It was too scary! Because of the dogs, they were loud. I saw the cats, they were cute. Cats are better than Dogs. - Shaimah
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